This is the street-side view of our backyard. It's actually more of a sideyard but since it's the only yard, we can call it whatever we want! Things look really pretty from this side right now. My happy flowers are in full bloom and the bougainvillea is coming back stronger than ever.
Here's a Before pic- before we had the new fence and gate, before I ditched the black mulch, and before the ground cover had grown in around the stepping stones.
Having a home is a lot of work, but it sure is satisfying. During this time where we're all mostly house-bound, I am thankful to have a home I love to be in, that fills me with joy and delight and wonder. #seekbeauty #findwonder . Finding things to appreciate is a wonderful thing to practice, and once you start, you'd be surprised how many things you have that merit gratitude.
Now here's what our yard looks like inside the gate.
Not it’s finest hour. Of course it doesn’t always look like this. This is just what happens in winter. Our couch gets covered, our Tree loses A TON of leaves, which then become soggy and gross from the rain. We do our best to ignore the detritus, but sometimes we (I) wait too long and mosquitos start coming into the house, which isn't great. Then I go on killing sprees- squashing every bug I find in the house. Whaddayawant from me? They make me crazy! ( Just because I meditate, doesn't mean I’m the Buddha.)
Then just as spring emerges, the tree drops it’s pollen-like flowers on top of all the leaves, teeny-tiny, super annoying, and the soggy mess grows bigger. I wish I had taken a photo of what it looked like yesterday. But trust me, it wasn't pretty. The potting stand, which used to sit in front of that random doggy door is DONE. Spiders in the cracks, wood is warped and rotted, I have to stop putting things in that far right corner. I just want to hide that dumb pet-door honestly. But that part of the yard doesn't get much sun to begin with and in the winter it’s the favored breeding grounds for said mosquitos. Now that I think about it, that is our relationship corner of the yard….and maybe of the entire house? No. probably not. Even though I do count the yard as part of the house, but mostly only in the summer. Hmmm. Pluses and minuses in Feng Shui get tricky. I think it would be considered an additional zone… Anyway, a separate discussion for another time.
What I'm really trying to get across here is that one season the yard looks great, another it's in a state of disorder. There is always upheaval, always change. Nothing is static. Life happens and perfection is an illusion (says the recovering Perfectionist). In my industry of making things look so pretty and together, you rarely see the nitty gritty realness. And I'm totally sick of that trend. I'm tired of making it all SO curated! For portfolios shots, sure, okay. But ya know, sometimes all the interior designyness just makes me want to clean up a bunch of dead leaves and tiny polleny flowers and huff and puff and uh....I guess, make it pretty again. But not too pretty. Well that’s all for now and thanks for riding. Please check around your seat for any belongings that may have come loose during your trip.
Let's all take deep breaths. Remember we are in this together. Remember to remember what’s important. Go for walks, notice the flowers. GET OFF OUR PHONES for more than a freaking minute!! And hug and kiss anyone who is lucky enough to be part of your household. I've never been so aware of how often I touch my face and how affectionate I am- and Marc is bearing the brunt of that. Haha, sorry honey. If you don't have a person or a pet, don't worry- you still have YOU! Go to the mirror, wrap your arms around your chest and GIVE YOURSELF a snuggly- buggley WELL-DESERVED hug! You are alive, you are here, you are able-bodied-and hell ya, PEOPLE LIKE YOU!!! I really do.
xoxo Big hugs to you, from one screen to another.